SkinPen® Microneedling with PRP Treatments Fort Worth and Decatur, TX

The latest in non-invasive anti-aging therapies

The Skin Pen® state-of-the-art, anti-aging procedure technology is designed to stimulate your skin’s natural ability to repair itself. SkinPen helps to “awaken” your skin during the wound healing process.


Skin Pen uses a controlled micro-needling technique that jump-starts new collagen without heat or chemicals. This can be combined with your natural plasma (PRP) for dramatically enhanced results. SkinPen is a medical-grade, state-of-the-art precision tool that works by creating a series of microscopic channels into the skin. Your skin will look and feel healthier with little downtime!

Skin pen with PRP AKA:Vampire Facial

SkinPen is extremely versatile and may be used on all parts of the body and all on skin types and is greatly enhanced by Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections. This is known as a “Vampire Facial”. Learn more, contact us today!

Some therapies benefit from Platelet-rich plasma therapy or PRP as an add-on, multiplying the therapy's results significantly.

Contact us or self-book a consult