How to Dissolve Fat Permanently with Kybella

The appearance of a double chin, bra fat, or other fat pockets can keep you from feeling confident and comfortable.

These types of accumulated fat are impervious to diet and exercise. They develop due to weight fluctuations and the aging process.

With Kybella® fat dissolve injections, we can have tighter, firmer contours underneath your chin and dissolve fat of other body areas permanently to restore your confidence without surgery or downtime.

Kybella® treatments use deoxycholic acid to destroy fat cells and disable them from accumulating or storing fat in the future.


  • A quick- nonsurgical solution that requires no downtime or recovery.

  • A subtle, natural-looking facial enhancement that can tighten your lower face or contour without giving away that you have “had work done.”

Although Kybella® is not a substitute for diet and exercise or a weight loss solution, it can help create tighter, more youthful-looking contours in your chin through a series of strategic injections. 

Schedule your free consultation and learn if Kybella is the best course of treatment for you.

Body, FaceMissy LaneKybella